Friday, August 26, 2011

Special Offer: The Holidays

Because the holidays are just around the corner, and I know some of you are interested in Halloween costume photos, fall/Thanksgiving themed photos, photos for Christmas cards and gifts or maybe a "just because" session, here's a special offer for you all.  Contact me at boyandgirlphotography{at}gmail{dot}com to set up your session! 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

[More Charlotte Sessions]

I will be in the Charlotte *area* on Saturday, November 19th, from 9-4.  Any takers on FULL sessions?  Please look below at the time I have available and contact me if you're interested in booking.  I have several location options available.  Email me at boyandgirlphotography{at}gmail{dot}com for more info.  Thanks!

9AM - filled
10AM - filled
11AM - filled
12PM - filled
1PM - filled
2PM - filled
3PM - filled

{Personal Life: First Day of School}

Today was my sweet baby girl's first day of school - kindergarten.  It was bittersweet for me.  She was so excited to go, and I was fine dropping her off and saying goodbye, until I got back to my car and read a poem handout that the teacher gave the parents.  I started to cry.  It reads as follows:

The First Day
I gave you a little wink and smile
As you entered my room today.
For I know how hard it is to leave
And know your child must stay.
You've been with her for five years now
And have been a loving guide,
But now, alas, the time has come
To leave her at my side.
Just know that as you drive away [I'm crying as I type this, haha]
And tears down your cheeks may flow
I'll love her as I would my own
And help her learn and grow.
For as a teacher, I too know
How quickly the years do pass
Just know that I will protect her
While she's in my class.
So please put your mind at ease
And cry those tears no more
For I will love her and take her in
When you leave her at my door.


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sweet Tuesday

I've been busy!  What's new, right?  Just wanted to post a quick photo though from a recent session.  Hope you're having a great Tuesday!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Individual Mini-Session Contestants/VOTE!


Instructions: Vote for your favorite contestant by submitting their name to the comments section below.  Contestants, you MAY vote for yourselves.  Voting ends on Sunday, 8/21 at midnight, at which that time I will tally the votes.  You may vote twice - once here and once on Facebook (you're only able to vote on Facebook if you're a 'fan' of Boy & Girl Photography, so become a fan!).

(Story first, and the corresponding family's picture below it)

Kevin Jackson - "I am an ordained minister.  My grandmother passed away a while back and my grandfather found a nice lady.  Eventually they decided to get married.  They asked me marry them and this would be my first wedding ceremony to perform.  I was going to read the pre-written introduction as the opening of the ceremony but was very nervous about that because I don't read well in public.  I love public speaking but reading in public is a different story.  I thought to myself "Ok...make it though the intro and the rest will be ok."  Long story short, I read through the introduction like a pro.  I was very proud of myself and I thought the rest of the ceremony would be a piece of cake, so I let my guard down.  The next part of the ceremony was the giving away of the bride with the bride's sons giving her away.  My line was supposed to be "Who gives this woman to be married to my grandpa?"  The words out of my mouth were "Who give this man to be married to my grandpa".  The crowd starting laughing and after I realized what I had said, I wanted to go hide under a rock.  My first wedding, my grandpa's wedding, a very classy wedding and I flub like that.  People left the wedding that day, not saying "What a beautiful ceremony" but "Can you believe Kevin messed up his own Grandpa's wedding?"  No one else has asked me to marry them since and I don't know if they ever will.  This is my most embarrassing moment."

Elizabeth Levstek - "During my 6th birthday, my entire class was invited as well as my family.  When they brought in the cake, my parents thought it would be funny to watch 30 or so 5 and 6 year olds blow out trick candles.  They ended up catching all of us trying to blow out the trick candles, on video.  After we ate cake, we were opening up presents and for the most part, I received what every 6 year old gets for their birthday, barbie dolls, baby dolls and the fake make-up kits.  It came time to open my aunt and uncle's present, who usually give the awesome presents, and it was two giant bottles of Hidden Valley Ranch!!!  I opened Ranch.....of all things I open Ranch in front of all of my friends.  The first reaction when I opened the present, was tears.  All my friends laughed and it made me feel even worse, I was so embarrassed that all my friends saw me open Ranch.  At 6, you don't understand the point of gag gifts, so my first thought was that they hated me.  In the end, they gave me a really awesome present but still to this day we speak of the Ranch incident, and of course laugh about it now.  Recently at my 16th, we had prizes for my friends that knew me the best that represented favorite memories throughout my life, and a bottle of Hidden Valley Ranch was one of them."

Amy Lounsbury - "Ok a funny story...One that comes to mind is when I was in the 7th grade, I was attending my 7th-8th grade prom and I was wearing one of those dresses that required a hoop. When I was on the dance floor trying to dance which was difficult with the hoop and my heels, I ended up getting the heel of my shoe caught in the hoop and tripping landing flat on my bottom and the hoop straight in the air. Saying that I was embarrassed would be and understatement but looking back at it now I find it amusing."

(I apologize, but for some reason this picture keeps uploading sideways to the blog; I can't get it to turn for nothin!  It's correct on FB though.  Hmmm...)

Shelly Mckoin - "Ding Dong Ditch Gone Wrong:
To my fellow ding dong ditchers…you know the feeling you get in your stomach from the second your fingertip touches that doorbell as you dart off that front porch, trying not to be spotted or seen? Just knowing that door could swing op at any second and it’s game over! So while in this panic mode, you run for the nearest bush, tree, dumpster, etc. or in MY case, the bed of a pick up truck. And with your heart pounding, you wait and watch to see the victim open the door, as you laugh hysterically at their confusion, delighted you have won yet another round of ding dong ditch! However, my ding dong ditch experience did not go as planned. Let me start from the beginning. One late summer night, my fiancé and I were sitting at home, pondering what to do in this big town of Kernersville. We decided we needed a chuckle and therefore a game of ding dong ditch was in order! So we dressed in our fiercest black sweats, rubbed the black stuff under our eyes (you know the stuff football players wear), and we jumped into the car. As we’re driving down the road, thinking of who our victim will be, I remembered how my mother had recently refused to take me back to school shopping for clothes. Voila! Our victim has been chosen and we are in transit! As we quietly approach the condo’s, my fiancé kills the lights on our get-away car and parks in behind the dumpsters. I then quietly open the door of the car, and creep up towards my mom’s condo. As I reached the door, my heart was pounding, but I HAD to do it! So I stuck my little finger out, pushed the doorbell, and took off! At this time, I realized “Oh Snap! Where am I gonna hide?” So I jumped into the back of this pick up truck parked in front. I was so relieved, my mother had not yet opened the door. I thought to myself, “Yes! I got her!” I’m sitting in the bed of the truck, waiting, my heart is pounding as I cry laughing on the inside, knowing I got her! She’ll think twice before she ever tells me no again to go back to school shopping! Then all of a sudden, I hear this car flying down the road and it whips into the complex! Oh my gosh! It’s a cop car! My heart is racing! Its coming right towards me! Someone has called the police! Do I continue hiding? Do I jump out and reveal myself and come clean? What do I do???!!! Then as I peek over the edge of the truck I notice the cop is a short, stocky, grey headed man. As he walks towards the condo, passing the truck, I realize, it’s Lieutenant Brandon! My step dad! (yes my step dad is a LT for the Kernersville PD). So I jump out and say, “Hey Mike!” As he whips his head around, he does not look too happy. Apparently my mom thought someone was trying to trick her into opening her door so they could break in, since it was so late at night. So she took it upon herself to call the cops just to be on the safe side. He proceeds to tell me I scared my mom to death! So, my get a away car pulls up and gets me and we leave. I call my mom to tell her she should have known it was me because I have a history of ding dong ditching friends and family. She laughs and thinks its very funny at this point, my step dad went back to work (not happy), and we headed home. Thank goodness that cop was a relative! Ha Ha!
She still hasn’t taken me back to school shopping…."

Family Mini-Session Contestants/VOTE!


Instructions: Vote for your favorite contestant by submitting their name to the comments section below.  Contestants, you MAY vote for yourselves.  Voting ends on Sunday, 8/21 at midnight, at which that time I will tally the votes.  You may vote twice - once here and once on Facebook (you're only able to vote on Facebook if you're a 'fan' of Boy & Girl Photography, so become a fan!).

(Story first, and the corresponding family's picture below it)

Vargas Family - "WIth a two year old and five year old it is truly difficult to think of one embarrassing or funny incident.  Our mundane daily routine seems to be filled with some whoopers!   For instance, when I was about 8 months pregnant with my daughter, we were at the Honda dealer waiting for the car to be serviced and I took my son into the bathroom.  Upon returning to the packed waiting room he loudly and proudly proclaimed, "My mommy has a boy part (substituting anatomically correct term he used" just like me and Daddy!"    I about died of embarrassment but, am pretty sure everyone laughing in the room knew the truth!"

May Family - "So this is our family and this is the funny story I have related to the picture.
Rodney and I sold all our belongings and moved 3 hours away from our hometown and family to attend college. Our children were two and 4 months old. We lived in the family dorm housing on campus inside of New Tribes Bible Institute in Jackson, Michigan. When we arrived to college on our first day, the dean led us up to our "apartment". It had only two windows and the entire apartment was 400 sq. feet, but the kicker was that it had no running water or a bathroom.
We lived there two years, carting our water from the supply closet that was down the hall to our apartment. We had a "sink" that we would plug and pour water into to do our dishes, and then it would drain into a huge bucket that we would take back down to the supply closet to dump.
We shared a community bathroom that was right down the hall from us and to take showers, I had to go upstairs to the girls shower room and Rodney had to go to the otherside of the building to the guy's shower room. We would tote our belongings with us everytime. Our children would take a bath in rubbermaid totes in the middle of our apartment, which we toted the water from the closet to get.
We had no air conditioning and heaters that would turn on at scheduled times. So in the summer we would be sweating like crazy and the winter we would be freezing waiting for the heater to kick on, and then when it did our little apartment heated up like a sauna.
I look back at it now and am so grateful for our time spent there. We built a lot of memories of our young family and I wouldn't trade the experience for anything. We recently went back to the college to visit and I am pleased to say that they remodeled all the married dorms and they all have running water now, but they still share a community bathroom."

Hutchinson Family - "As a mother of four many, many, MANY funny and embarrassing events happen quite often. Funny is when my daughter decided tell her brother the room was a pig “style”!!! And talk about embarrassing on our first beach summer vacation as a family and my son was in the pool with my grandfather and pooped out of the swim diaper! The pool cleared fast because of floating corn. YIKES!"

Nichols Family - "On my birthday, July 1, we all went to one of my favorite "hole in the wall" restuarants. That night they had "live" music.... or something similar... a one man show with a keyboard, sound system and pre-recorded music. He was singing a mismatch of OLD country (pre-Garth) and old southern hymns. My son, Cale, 19 months at the time, would sing (which at 19 months translates into a scream) everytime the man sang. Each time, with the help of my daughter and husband, we tried our best to "sush" him or distract him so he would stop. Sitting at the next table over from us was a man eating by himself and reading the newspaper. During one of Cale's "singing" episodes, our eyes met and I noticed he was laughing. He then turned to me and said, "Oh, let him sing.... he's much better than him (pointing to the "live" music)." At that point, we all started laughing and we let Cale have at it! Cale "sang" at the top of his lungs for the rest of our dinner...and enjoyed every second!  I am sure many people were happy to see us leave the restaurant that night... but one lone man in the back was hoping for an encore! "

Saunders/Jester Family - "For Thanksgiving a few years ago, as a family we decided to go to the beach with just us and my grandparents. We arrived right around dinner at the condo complex we were staying. Our condo was located on the 4th floor so we all loaded our luggage and ourselves onto the elevator and pressed “4”. All of a sudden the elevator made a terrible noise and stopped between the 2nd and 3rd floors. The back of the elevator was glass and opened up to the atrium/lobby of the complex and NO ONE was in sight. Our only option…pick up that scary emergency phone in the box and call 911. We told them that everyone was ok we didn’t want them to come with all the bells and whistles and lights and what do you know? Not only did one fire truck show up but 3 fire trucks showed up. It took 3 firefighters to pry the doors open just enough for us to jump up and squeeze out. We gathered quiet the crowd in the atrium/lobby and it was the joke for the rest of the week. None of us got on an elevator the rest of the week either. It’s something we all still laugh about today, and something that would only happen to my crazy family!"

Baker Family - "One evening me my husband & our 3 year old son went to staples to pIck up a few thIngs. It was tIme for us to check out so we went to stand In lIne.There was a group of hIgh school age girls standIng In front of us jokIng around.One of the gIrls proceeded to "slap the other" (jokIng of course) Well our son saw thIs and went and "spanked" the gIrl on the
bottom .She turned around lookIng at my husband thInkIng It was hIm
HAHA then she looked down when she heard our 3 year old son tell her
"NOT NICE SAY SORRY" my husband and I both trIed to hold back from
laughIng! I was totally embarrassed."

James Family - "Ok pertaining to the picture that I submitted.  My son was finally glad to have graduated kindergarten.  He decided to be silly when it came time to take the picture that is why he is wearing a nose ring.  Lol.  I gotta truely love my children.  They are always doing silly and crazy and embarrassing stuff. "

Swistak Family - "Who knew?
It was Mustache Day at Trader Joe's.
And we were lucky enough to happen upon it.
After our gracious mustache promoter tracked down some
unique 'staches for our entertainment,
we bought some healthy treats and made plans to take lots of pictures.
However, we didn't plan on laughing as much as we did!
Mustaches have not always been a laughing matter.
My dad, Alekzander's "Gruffalo" has always had a mustache.
One Christmas morning, the anticipation flung me out of my bed.
I was so excited to see what Santa brought.
On the way to the tree, I was stopped in my tracks by my Dad's bare face.
It was the first time I had ever seen him without facial hair.
Immediately, I cried and cried and cried.
I told Santa he could take all of my toys if he brought my dad's 'stache back.
I cried some more.
I had to touch his face to make sure it was really still my dad.
{Probably NOT the reception my dad expected on Christmas morning!}
I wish I could say this happened when I was four;
my irrational, emotional outburst would have been understandable.
I believe I was closer to my tween years!
Too bad Trader Joe's Mustache Day
didn't coincide with my very traumatic Christmas morning!"

High-School Senior Contest Winner

Remember the contest I posted a couple days ago?  I only had one high-school senior submit their picture and "6 random things", so Bradley Turner is automatically the winner of a free mini senior session!  Congratulations, Bradley.  Here's Bradley and his "6 random things":

Bradley Turner/Glenn High

1. I LOVE bass fishing!
2. I love spending time with my crazy cousins!
3. We go to the beach every summer.
4. If there’s anything I like to do better than fishing – it’s hunting!
5. Oh – did I mention………I LOVE fishing!
6. When given the opportunity, I can clean up pretty good!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Another Contest! Because I Love You :)

Hey!  Guess what?  I have over 600 'fans' on Facebook now.  For me...this is big! - and I look forward to my 'fan' base expanding even more!  Are you not a 'fan' on Facebook?  Click on the Facebook link above and 'like' Boy & Girl Photography.  If you're not on Facebook at all, you should be.  Just sayin ;)

Sooo...the news is that I have another contest for you all!  You've made me so excited in reaching the number of 'fans' that I have, that I want to share the excitement with you all in giving some of you a chance to win a free session.  This time I'm giving away a mini session to a high-school senior (2011-2012) and a mini session to a family and a mini session to an individual (meaning, it's a one-person session).  You could be the one!  These contests involve voting for your favorites, so you'll want to be a part of it.  These sessions can *only* be won by those that do not already have a session booked with me.  If you've already paid a deposit, you may *not* submit to these contests. 

High-school seniors, send me a photo of yourself (no professional photos, please) with "6 random things" about yourself attached.  Your picture and "6 random things" will then be posted on the blog and people will get to vote on (by sending their vote to boyandgirlphotography{at}gmail{dot}com) which high-school senior should win a free session.  The senior to win the most votes gets a free mini session.  Easy peezy!  Don't be shy!  Enter your picture and "6 random things" by emailing them to me (boyandgirlphotography{at}gmail{dot}com) between now, Tuesday, August 16th and Thursday, August 18th (that gives you only 2 days) and then I will post the entries on the blog and on Facebook and you viewers will have 2 days to vote.  Seniors, you may not vote for yourselves.  Everyone else, you may vote only once - either by 'liking' the seniors photo and random things on Boy & Girl Photography on Facebook or by emailing me your vote.  But for right now, you seniors just need to get your pictures and "6 random things" about yourself submitted to me - boyandgirlphotography{at}gmail{dot}com.  Snap to it! ;)

The other giveaway is for a mini family session.  Families (up to 10 people), submit a family picture (no professional photos, please) and attach a funny/embarrassing story about something that's happened to you all.  Please no vulgar or crude stories, because lots of people will be seeing these.  Send your picture and funny story to boyandgirlphotography{at}gmail{dot}com and when I receive all entries, I will post them to the blog and to Facebook, and the voting will begin.  Tell your family members and friends about this so they can vote for you!

The last giveaway is for an individual (one person shoot).  Same game as the family session.  Submit a picture of yourself (no professional photos, please) and attach a funny/embarrassing story about something that's happened to you.  Please no vulgar or crude stories, because lots of people will be seeing these.  Send your picture and funny story to boyandgirlphotography{at}gmail{dot}com and when I receive all entries, I will post them to the blog and to Facebook, and the voting will begin.  Tell your family members and friends about this so they can vote for you! 

The contest winners MUST be local to the Winston-Salem area or willing to pay a travel fee (if you live 30+ minutes away from me).

You may enter into only ONE of the above 3 contests.

Please don't hesitate to email me with questions if you don't understand something about the contests!  Make this fun, y'all!  Look forward to hearing from you!  And by the way, don't stop helping me spread the word about my business.  Thanks, you all!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

{The "B" Family | Session Sneak}

I was so happy to finally meet this sweet family!  Beautiful mommy "K" and I had been in touch for awhile about a session, but several things would pop up and we wouldn't be able to schedule.  We finally got it to work!  I was afraid of rain for a little bit, but luckily the sun started shining, and we were good to go.  It was a beautiful evening in downtown Winston-Salem, and I had a great time with all the adorableness I got to see and photograph.  See for yourselves...

Beauty in Blue

Got to spend some time with this beautiful little girl at her lovely home.  Isn't she adorable?!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Sunday, August 7, 2011

[My Birthday Boy]

Happy 2nd Birthday, Brenham boy.  You've been a surprise from the very beginning, my sweet, gorgeous little son.  I can't count the ways in which you've enriched my life.  Momma, Daddy and Nat-Nat love you to the moon and back and forever. 



Hi, my name is Leah, and I'm a candyholic.  Yes, that's right.  But not just any kind of candy will do.  It must be tangy, sour, bursting with flavor :)  Think Nerds, Jolly Ranchers (especially sour ones, MMMM!), Starburts, Sweettarts (FYI...Smarties are NOT the same), Laffy Taffy, Warheads, Shock get the idea, right? 

So, thanks to my bestie, I now have an adorable candy jar, designed by my friend herself.  She's very talented and makes all sorts of awesome things (including cakes for any occasion), and she was so thoughtful as to give me the lovely jar pictured below for my birthday.  It now has a spot on my office desk, and is filled with *some* of my favorite candies.  Now I can eat candy while I edit you all's sessions :)

(and yes, those are indeed smudges all over my glass table; hi, I have 2 children)

(also...please don't ask me what happened to my picture sizing because my answer is "I don't know and I don't feel like figuring it out")


You should know by now that I don't like being on the other side of the camera. That being said, it's always good for photographers to step out from behind the camera some. So, that's exactly what I did. I "did" myself up, set up my camera on my tripod and chose the old fireplace in my living-room as my "posing" (eeek!) spot. Now...please do not expect me to look like this at your session! I've had a couple people tell me before when they see me personally, "You look different than your pictures online". Um yes, I do, because in those pictures I'm "done up" aaannnnddd more than likely when you see me for your session, I've either come from another session and am dripping sweat (ew) or I've rushed out of my house after taking care of 2 children, and that gives me NO time to get ready sometimes. Anyway, you get the point ;) Here's to a happy Sunday; have a great one!

Friday, August 5, 2011
