Sunday, May 29, 2011

{Charlotte Mini-Session Sneaks}

It's Memorial Day weekend, and I hope each of you are getting to enjoy it in some special way.  Thank you to all of you who have served our country.  I do mean that.

Yesterday I had the opportunity to go to Charlotte for some mini-sessions.  Such a pleasure to meet so many sweet people!  It was a warm, humid day, but everyone was such good sports about it.  I've got much to do in preparation for my own Memorial Day celebrating with my family, but here's just a quick teaser for these families...


  1. Your photography is amazing! You find the most creative places to take pics!! Great work!!!

  2. LOVE this one... So excited to see all of them... Thank you so much for posting a little sneak!

  3. Great pictures and music...We are truly the lucy ones...DAD

