Saturday, July 2, 2011


When I was asked to come to this family's property for a "generation" session, I knew it was going to be special.  What I didn't know was just how special it would be.  Touching.  Emotional.  Moving.  Yes, I experienced lots of emotions during our hour session.  Laughing, getting teary-eyed, hearing interesting stories about the history of the houses and buildings on the property, the trees that meant something, the chimney (great for cracking open nuts, I hear, hehe), the shed, the horseshoe pit, and so many other things.  I left feeling very blessed to have spent this time with such an awesome family - and this is only a small portion of this family.  This family and property is full of memories, and I'm delighted that I was able to get to know some of these things.  I could keep talking about this session, but I want you all to just sit back now and enjoy.  Take in the details.  Turn up the music, too. 

4 generations:

"Tata" showing the boys the cherry tomatoes in his garden.

Father and daughter...

The cherry tree.  "Tata" told me about this tree, "It's kind of like an old person.  Some of it's living, some of it's dead.  You know, some limbs work and some don't"

"Tata", I know I've just met you, but you have wisdom that flows from you, even when you're not speaking.  Your family is so blessed to have you.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos! Love the blue/tan colors, too, even that Chevrolet paper sign matches.
    Some day I want to look at your photos and "turn up the music" since I can't do that here. Maybe I can just put on my own music...:)

