Tuesday, February 8, 2011

{All About Me}

"Huh?  What?  All about HER?  Ok, she's full of herself!"  Haha! ;)  Here's the thing...I follow a blog for photographers that encourages photographers to step out of their comfort zones.  So, this week's challenge to photographers is to step out from behind the camera (where most of us photographers would rather be) and to get in front of the lens.

So, I did.

It was grueling.  Self-portraits are NOT something I'm fond of doing.  But, I'm generally up for a challenge.  The next step was - we had to share these self-portraits with someone.  Who better to share them with than all of you lovely people :)  Anyone who *really* knows me, knows that I do.not.like.being.in.front.of.the.camera.  I just don't.

Do you know how hard it is to take a self-portrait, hand-holding a heavy SLR camera with one hand, trying to focus on SOMETHING?  Not an easy task.  We were also challened to not say anything negative about ourselves, not to over-criticize ourselves, BUT wait...OH.MY.WORD.  The "creases" (aka wrinkles!) under my eyes?  WHERE did those come from?  Ok, ok, I leave you with these. 

Happy Tuesday :) 

**yes, I agree, these are HUGE photos of my face**


  1. these are awesome! i am doing a project 365 of self-shots and it is hard!! kudos to you for getting out from behind the lens :) you are beautiful!

  2. these are great!
    Leah, you are beautiful beautiful beautiful! and you do an amazing job at taking pictures! :)

  3. Beautiful!!! Don't ever hesitate to step in front of the camera!!

    I didn't see any wrinkles, but if and when they appear remember, they simply show that laughter has been a wonderful part of your life!

    Live, Laugh, Love!

  4. These are awesome, Leah! You are gorgeous! The top is my fave! And um...WHAT WRINKLES! LOL, you failed your challenge if yer pickin' yerself apart! You look at these again and see how very beautiful and talented you ARE. And they don't look like you struggled at all! :)

  5. LOVE these pics of you, Leah! Of course, I think you are gorgeous and I'm glad that you did step out from behind the camera! Thanks for sharing! You get an A+ from me!!! :)

  6. From the inside out...beautiful as always! Love 'em!

