Thursday, June 16, 2011

{Faves from the Week}

My favorite photos are generally not the "perfect" shot.  My fave ones are usually when I've incorrectly adjusted the settings on my camera, making a shot blurry or not "lit" correctly (I use all natural lighting as much as possible, so in areas of low-light or shade, it requires readjustment after being in great light), when someone's laughing at someone or something between shots, when a child is running away...for the hundredth time...and they turn around to look at their mom or me and smile.  Anyway, you get the idea.  I do have lots of favorite "perfect" shots as well, and during the past week's sessions, I've had a mix of all kinds of things ;)  Ok, enough blabbing from me.  Hope you enjoy these are much as I do!

This is 3 generations.  This pose was not my idea, but I love it.  I was having trouble focusing on what I wanted to focus on, but I ended up liking this one better than the one where all 3 were completely in focus.  Wait, am I blabbing again? ;)

A little blurry, and she's running out of the frame.  And I adore it.

Just so stinkin' sweet of this couple.  Period.

The soft lighting coming in from the windows to the side.  To die for.  Ok, I wouldn't die for it, but you know what I mean!  Little old church with really poor (but perfect) lighting, and I wouldn't change a thing about it.  I shot a wedding one time in this church.  Super romantic feel to it with this sort of lighting.  Am I obsessed with lighting?  Uhhh YEAAAHHH!

I think it was after this shoot that I decided I'm not a pet photographer ;)  Actually, I didn't mind it, but I certainly specialize in people portraiture, not pet portraiture, heh!  I fell in love with this photo though.

And this one?  Well, I like everything about it.


  1. Love! The pic of H is the pure essence of who she is! ~K

  2. These are all beautiful, each in a different way. I bet they'll become the owners' favorites, too. Love the "to die for" one. :)

