Thursday, June 2, 2011

{Personal Life: Snippets}

I am generally so busy taking pictures of you all :) that I forget, or neglect, to take pictures of my own life.  So, here's a small collection of random photos taken over the past few days, in and around my home.  I hope you enjoy - and happy Thursday!

A yummy afternoon snack...

And the little girl enjoying that yumminess:

That's my burger back there with the crumbled feta cheese on it.  MMMM :)

This is how I want to eat dinner every evening this summer:

These little warm, snuggly kittens are just 4 days old now:

And here's their momma taking a break.  This picture makes me laugh because it looks like she's blocking the sound of "meow"'s ;) but I just happened to catch her mid-cleaning.

Love the way the sky looked on my way home from Charlotte mini-sessions over the weekend...

Some prettiness in my back yard.  I don't know what these are called, but you flower people probably do.

And this?  I don't know what this is either, but I LOVE it.

Here's a close-up of the flower above.

I didn't know what these below were until my mother-in-law asked, "Are those bleeding hearts?"  Now I know what they are called :)

My not-yet two year old son being brave in our pool (just a big Intex pool, mind you).  He was getting a kick out of sticking his head in the water for a brief second. 

My little ones and me <3


  1. Loved looking at all of these! Wonderful almost-summertime...
    And that orange flower is a daylily. The bleeding heart is called brinco de princesa here. Cute, huh?

  2. Purplish flowers = wave petunias (I think) and orange flowers = asiatic lilies (my favorite). :) Amazing pics. Love the personal glimpses.

