Monday, June 27, 2011

{Personal Life}: Weird & Random Monday Post

Hi, everyone!  Did you all have a good weekend?  Anything fun going on with all this great outdoor weather - at least in this part of NC?

Yesterday afternoon my husband, kids and I went to Stone Mountain State Park.  It's just over an hour's drive from us, but we wanted to do something different.  We certainly don't usually (ever) go hiking.  I debated taking my camera with me on the hike and finally decided to not take it, and I'm glad I didn't.  I mean, I saw lots of things along the way (especially the waterfall at the end of the hike) that I would think, "I wish I'd brought my camera", but at the end of the trek, I was happy I had been able to just enjoy the nature hike with my little family.  Also, my husband and I had to carry the kids, piggy-back style, for most of the hike.  I mean, you know, 5 year old and not ever 2 year old.  They got tired.  Quickly. :)  So, carrying a camera, even strapped around my neck (I forgot to take my strap), would've been a little difficult.  The total hike was just over 2 miles long, but with 2 kids on our backs, it felt like 10 miles :)  Still...all worth it!

I did get these pictures when we got back to the car.  Didn't take the kids long at all to look like this...

(she'll hurt me someday for this picture)

Couldn't even see my son's face from where I was sitting, all covered with his pillow pet.  That may or may not be smushed banana on the corner of his corner seat.  *shudder*

And now, something that does NOT pertain to the hiking trip, but was staring me in the face this morning when I went into the kids' bathroom.  All I gots ta say  is...these kind of doll heads, where you brush their hair and puts hairbows on them or  The End.

1 comment:

  1. I agree about the doll head... I put a similar pic on my blog the other day - creepy aren't they?!

