Monday, November 1, 2010

{Happy Halloween!}

So yeah, Halloween was yesterday, but I had a busy weekend and am just now getting around to posting this.  Did y'all have a good Halloween weekend?  We sure did!  We were very busy and traveled to a couple different places, but we sure had a fun time!  Maybe I'll do a little post on that later.  I've got a couple sessions to edit first. 

Do any of you other photographers out there have a hard time photographing your kids?  Not in their everyday lives, but actually taking them and trying to put them in a session situation?  Well, I sure have a hard time.  I get so frustrated!  They drive me BATTY (no pun intended)!  I love, love, love taking photos of other people's kids, but I'm going to start paying someone else to take photos of mine :) 

Yesterday was no different.  My husband and I put the kids in their costumes and I'm going, "Ok, hurry up!  You grab them and I'll get the props!  Come on, let's go!" and out the door we our back yard.  Where'd you think we were going, people?

So, here we are directing the kids (well, at least my daughter since she's almost 5 and understands orders...for the most part).  But I feel like we can't get them to look at the camera for anything!  So, I stopped trying and just let them do their thing.  Well, then our cat Kitty decides she needs to be in the shots, and well, I just didn't like it - seeing her hind end and all wasn't workin' for me.  So, my dear husband tries to help and scares the cat off.  As Kitty fractically tries to get away from my husband, she scratches my daughter on her way out of the frame.  *sigh*  So, the tears began to erupt from my daughter and well...I could go on, but I'll stop here, and just leave you with a few photos of Snow White and her dwarf, Dopey (who later became "Dope" when we lost a letter somewhere during trick-or-treating).  And yeah, I made Dopey's costume (and am NOT a sewer), so that's why there's white thread showing.  Whoops.


  1. I loved these pictures. They made me laugh. I love Dopey's outfit. Good job on that!

  2. They are too cute - I love their costumes.

  3. I feel the same way as Brant's teacher sometimes. Mommy is Mommy, we can't put on another hat! Love the photos, they are cuties!

  4. These pics are great, nothing wrong with them! Now, I'd really like to see all the others you scratching and ALL! :)

