Sunday, August 7, 2011


Hi, my name is Leah, and I'm a candyholic.  Yes, that's right.  But not just any kind of candy will do.  It must be tangy, sour, bursting with flavor :)  Think Nerds, Jolly Ranchers (especially sour ones, MMMM!), Starburts, Sweettarts (FYI...Smarties are NOT the same), Laffy Taffy, Warheads, Shock get the idea, right? 

So, thanks to my bestie, I now have an adorable candy jar, designed by my friend herself.  She's very talented and makes all sorts of awesome things (including cakes for any occasion), and she was so thoughtful as to give me the lovely jar pictured below for my birthday.  It now has a spot on my office desk, and is filled with *some* of my favorite candies.  Now I can eat candy while I edit you all's sessions :)

(and yes, those are indeed smudges all over my glass table; hi, I have 2 children)

(also...please don't ask me what happened to my picture sizing because my answer is "I don't know and I don't feel like figuring it out")

1 comment:

  1. Now you have me craving Laffy Taffy...I'll be there in 45 min! Lol!

