Tuesday, January 4, 2011

{Jacob | Teen Guy FREE Contest Winner}

I was super excited to have a session with Jacob!  He won a free session via this contest.  See how easy it is to win a FREE session with me when I do these contests?  No catches to it, folks :)

Jacob is maybe the 3rd teenage guy I've photographed.  Seriously.  It's really rare, but I would LOVE to photograph more of them!  So, you mamas with teenage boys, send 'em my way! 

Anyway, here are some photos of Jacob, and you'll notice the blue-eyed beauty with him.  That's Jacob's older sister, Brooke, and I'm glad we were able to do a session with her while she was home from school.

This next sequence cracks me up.  First it was, "Jacob, you throw the snow in the air".  You see what happened with that.  Then their dad says, "I'll throw the snow".  Well, you can see what happened then: a big blob of snow :)  And then the 3rd was both of them throwing snow.  Fun times, and I think it made for adorable pictures, even if they aren't "perfect" ;) 

And, I love close-ups.  But then again, you probably know that by now.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous, just gorgeous! And I LOVE his hair!!! Boy he and his sister look so much alike! Great job as always, Leah! :)

